Intel Open Image Denoise Gallery
This page contains a few sample screenshots of different renderings denoised with Intel Open Image Denoise, using color, albedo, and normal buffers as inputs. The original (noisy) color buffers are also shown. Hover over an image (or tap on it if you have a touchscreen) to move the slider between the original and denoised versions.
If you have created any notable images using Intel Open Image Denoise and would like to share them on this page, please send us an email.
Rendered at 16 spp and denoised using prefiltered albedo and normal buffers:
Scene by Evermotion.
Crytek Sponza
Rendered at 16 spp and denoised using noisy albedo and normal buffers:
Scene courtesy of Frank Meinl, downloaded from Morgan McGuire’s Computer Graphics Archive.
Amazon Lumberyard Bistro
Rendered at 64 spp and denoised using noisy albedo and normal buffers:
Rendered at 16 spp and denoised using noisy albedo and normal buffers:
Scene created by Amazon Lumberyard, released publicly in the NVIDIA Open Research Content Archive (ORCA) collection, downloaded from Morgan McGuire’s Computer Graphics Archive.
Rendered at 64 spp and denoised using noisy albedo and normal buffers:
Scene by Evermotion.
Rendered at 32 spp and denoised using noisy albedo and normal buffers:
Rendered at 16 spp and denoised using noisy albedo and normal buffers:
Scene by Evermotion.
Art Deco
Rendered at 2048 spp and denoised using noisy albedo and normal buffers:
Scene by Evermotion.